
I'm fucking tired.

I need a new job because the one I am at is toxic as fuck, but when I get home I just want to sleep so I can't truly escape this hell, tired.

The relationship I spent decades building with another person is falling apart because the foundations we built it on were shit to begin with, and now one of us is up to admit it (me), while the other just wants to go on through life like this oppressive mediocrity can be fixed with money and not quality time together (him), tired.

My body refuses to keep up with my goals and aspirations, tired.

I am supposed to get checked for breast cancer but I am too fucking sad, depressed, and stuck doing everyone else's work so I might actually have progressive cancer and I'm not sure if it matters or not - despite not wanting to die like that, tired.

I have given up on finding a working father figure due to never having one as a kid, because every time I meet a grown ass dude who seems upstanding, he eventually makes passes at me and it ruins everything, tired.

Men ain't shit, tired.

I have zero faith in humanity because fascism has taken over my entire country, no - actually the whole world, and no one seems to care just as long as they have their favorite things, tired.

not complete. maybe it'll never be complete. feel free to go back to the start.