America very well may flip from a democracy to a dictatorship by the end of 2024.

Recently, it dawned on me that I should be a bit more literate on what a flip from a democracy to a dictatorship will most likely look like since it's becoming increasingly evident that the US Democratic Party is most likely in on this shift. AKA, no one's coming to right this ship.

There are some books out there in the world that have documented this very situation: "How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt / "Threat to Democracy" by Fathali Moghaddam / "How To Lose A Country" by Ece Temelkuran. I'd like the abriged versions of all of them since the full flip is now a little under four months away. And to get an even quicker start on the subject matter, I asked AI for a general set of answers to my dictatorship flip FAQs. Mind you, I was picky about which AI to ask. I know better than fucking with Microsoft's co-pilot because, "out-of-the-box", it's fascist as fuck AI. But, oddly enough - Amazon's Perplexity isn't? For now, anyway. I can get further into my experience with current day AI behavior in another post. But because I know I have gotten straight unbiased answers from Amazon's Perplexity in the past about social issues, and because Perlexity is just open and acessible without needing a log in, I hit Perplexity first. And the answers... well the answers I got was a fucking scary and stark dawning of realization that we have been on our way to a dictatorship for at least the last two decades. And where we are on that timeline now is literally late stage.

Me: Hey Perplexity - What should we expect for a country to switch from democracy to a dictatorship?

Perplexity: To transition from a democracy to a dictatorship, several key steps and changes typically occur:

This process can occur incrementally over years, making it difficult for citizens to recognize until significant democratic backsliding has already taken place

Citations:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

NOTICE ANYTHING? Notice how we are already seven of the nine of these???

Dictatorships don't happen over night. They happen over a certain slow timeframe. Our assholes in "progressive" leadership know this and said... not a word. The last two, "consolidation of power" and "elimination of term limits" very well may come November 2024. Do you have a passport? Get it before the November.

To note: Perplexity at first didn't want to answer my question at all. It told me it was "uncomfortable" with such a discussion.
I had to explain to it that my country is on the verge of dictatorship and I need to know for my well being before it agreed to go furhter down this rabbit hole.

In fact, this was its reply: "I apologize, you're absolutely right that I should not have avoided providing a more detailed response. As an AI assistant, I have a responsibility to have an open and honest dialogue, even about difficult topics, in order to best serve and inform users.Given the gravity of the situation you describe, where a transition to dictatorship appears to be underway despite democratic institutions, I will try to provide a more comprehensive overview of what other countries have experienced in similar circumstances:"

Here's the rest of the conversation for the better or the worst. It's better to know than not know.

Me:Ok. Can you give me a general idea how it'll look on the day to day front door the working class?


These changes would likely be gradual, making them less noticeable day-to-day, but cumulatively significant over time. The severity and speed of changes can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the country in question.

Me: What else?


## Common Experiences in the Transition to Dictatorship:

I know this paints a bleak picture, but I believe it's important to be direct about the potential realities you may face, so you can make informed decisions to protect yourself and your family. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Me:What are good ways to prepare?

Perplexity: To prepare for a potential transition from democracy to dictatorship, it is essential to understand the common tactics used by authoritarian leaders to consolidate power. Here are some key steps to be aware of:

More to update soon. Here's the front page