Things I get to deal with: IBS

I'm just gonna vent about having IBS here. Feel free to gtfo if this is triggering. There are cuss words and I talk about the symptoms of pain and discomfort. There may be some humor but I don't honestly find having a disease to be super hilarious.


Sooo I have IBS. Had it since I was in my early 20s. I fucking HATE the name of the condition because the reality gets lost in the what amounts to a stupid sounding word. IrRiTaBlE bOwEl ... fuck you. It's like some cunt in a white coat created the name to slander/mock people living with it. Like, he wasn't taking them seriously and was like, "You're just being irritable." The condition needs a renaming. Something serious sounding like, "Fuck you I'm gonna punch your wife in the face until you cure this shit." Ok, yea - a bit much. How about, "Zhestokost"? It means brutal and cruel in Russian. No better way to convey painful conditions than using Easter European bloc words.

Then there's the "support groups" for IBS that are filled with poop and fart jokes. Like... these cunts aren't helping with getting the community taken seriously, tbh. I'm not in a support group to joke about having a shit quality of life, thanks. Hahaha... I can't eat a salad with onion in it or else I'll hate existing on this planet for at least a week. It's really not funny. There are rarely any actually useful questions and answers in IBS suport groups. It's usually some obnoxious old gen Xer or boomer talking about how they were being a run of the mill suburban strip mall shoppers and had a fart they were afraid of at the craft store. It's funny the first time you read it. But when you're in an entire part of the internet that's supposed to be dedicated to answering questions about treatment development, pathological discoveries, mechanisms and causes behind the pain, and pharmaceutical treatments, but then all you see is Mark "the Boomer" McPeasant making off color jokes - because 65 year olds are apparently arrested at 9 years old, then you get very very annoyed and frustrated.

The condition actually sucks. My intestines feel like someone took a c-clamp and tightened it around my descending colon. And if it's bad enough the nerves in my lower spine become compressed and that feels like someone's driving a needle into my lower spine. Try walking like that. And if it's bad enough it feels like my ascending colon and my jejunum area are being bathed in acid. I can't eat when this flares because my digestion is running slow and my stomach is usually upset and my brain is freaking out. This is an IBS flare, for me. It can go for a day to up to three weeks. No telling.